Alisdair Barr
Alisdair is originally from Perth, Western Australia and after completing his final semester of his degree abroad, he found himself washing cars and picking grapes with a tertiary education! He could not find a graduate role anywhere but that didn’t stop him, he had the tenacity and drive to make it work and enrolled in a finance planning diploma. He then knocked on doors until eventually one firm let him come and make cups of tea and summarise financial documents for them.
From there he got himself a job in a boutique financial planning firm and a year later he found a job in Sydney and relocated. After 18 months he ended up in one of Australia’s largest banks and that's when things really got interesting. After nearly 10 years Alisdair was determined to make a difference in people (and businesses) lives so he left his cushy corporate career and embarked on the journey of Grad Mentor to where we are with Striver.