Your Striver Profile.

Unsure how you will view candidates on the Striver Platform? Take a look at the screenshots below to preview your Striver Profile and how you may assess Striver candidates via the My Matched on the Striver Platform.
Striver Careers Platform Business  - My Matches - Graduate Candidate Recruitment
Pictured: Striver Platform, Business Account. Your 'Strivers' dashboard displays candidates matched to your hiring needs, location and preferences. Sign up to see the top talent on Striver!


Curate your candidates.

The heavy-lifting is already done for you from the start. All candidates are comprehensively vetted before they appear on your 'Strivers' dashboard.

Each candidate profile includes the essential information needed to satisfy your requirements to identify the best-fit candidates. Filter and Shortlist candidates according to your preferences of location, education background, and more. 
Striver Careers Platform Financial Planning Candidate - Graduate Employment
Pictured: Indivdual candidate profile. Each profile includes essential information including the standard CV and Academic record. Conveniently book your interview with top candidates through the app and start hiring now!


Information in one place.

See all candidates in one place. Shortlist your candidates with confidence.

​Quickly compare candidates using standardised results from our ability assessment and behavioural profiling. Fast-track your Shortlisting process with support from the Striver team to interpret the data - so that it works for you!   
Pictured: Direct interview portal. Propose interviews with your shortlisted candidates based on your schedule. Striver will facilitate the interviews with your convenience in mind.


Lower onboarding cost.

​Save time and let our streamlined process do the hard work. 

We organise interviews to help narrow your shortlist of candidates and finalise your selection. Plus, assist you to work out the offer and contract, and onboard your Striver.

More developments coming soon.

Join the Tribe.

If you're an early-career job seekers looking to maximise their connections within the financial planningaccounting and broader financial services industry - - and access Striver Mentor . Join the Tribe for free today!